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5 Rhythms in Poland-closing the circle
Aviya Reches 28/07/10
My personal roots are existing deep in the Polish earth, in the language, culture and nourishing polish food that my grandmother Pola was preparing for me. In each movement and step that I am doing-my past ancestors-that lived in Poland for hundreds of years are moving with me and inside me.
To conduct a 5 Rhythms workshop in Poland is to fulfill an old dream-for bringing the message and beauty of the Rhythms to a land and participants with a common source- very rich Jewish community life that had lived on this earth for many generations until the horrible war at 1939.
The warmth, openness and exciting atmosphere that were in the Warsaw venue reflects a very powerful energy. As like our whole Polish and Jewish ancestors have met together and were looking for ways of connection by the body and the maps of the 5 Rhythms –so simple ways without masks, barriers and looking for healing to this land and to our dancing souls.
A lot of light was in this exciting evening on the 14th of July in Warsaw. The Jewish-Israel music that I have bought to this evening took the participants to beautiful places. Even though the heavy heat, the participants have dived to and with the Rhythms with lots of passion and enthusiasm-as they were flying on the waves of the music.
The touching and emotional music of Yasmin levy, Yair Dalal, Eti Ankri and many other talented Israeli musicians took with her the dancers to a very powerful dance –that was looked as a big waterfall of fire that was locked in their bodies and waited for the right moment to go out from their bodies.
The expressions of the dancing fire was one of the most creative dance that I have ever seen in my life…
In addition to all these excitements-my mother was dancing with us in the venue-closing her circle at this special town. She was born in this city, as a small child run away to Russia-1939 and coming back to Warsaw at her twenties. Now she was surrounded with the amazing Polish dancers, and at the end of the workshop many dancers cried on her shoulders…
On the top of the ceiling , the souls of my ancestors were looking at us-with my grandfather Reuben above all of them-enjoying very much the special healing evening.
Very exciting and honorable closing circle for the earth and for our souls.
Wishing that this healing will go on to further places that needing healing.
Thanks a lot to dear Dagmara that organized this beautiful evening and for dear Beata who have invited me to Poland.
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