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Ramot Hashavim
Welcome to 5Rhythms Ramot Hashavim Serial with Aviya Reches

We are fully booked!-you can ask to be in a waiting list
Where-Studio Calanit, Ramot Hashavim Sundays 19:30-2100 from 13/10/24 For details please contact Aviya-052-3694708
In this Serial we are going to celebrate our body and our dance with the maps of the 5 Rhythms .
We will shake, express, explore, play and look for the sources of creation in us.
What to bring: You can dance in bare feet or soft dance shoes but not socks as this can be dangerous for yourself and others. Comfortable clothes - layers work well as your body temperature changes throughout the Class. Be prepared to sweat ! You will also need water to drink.
It is important that you drink plenty of water after the class to avoid dehydration
The Rhythms are Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness. They come together to create the ‘Wave’ - a movement meditation practice that is the foundation of this body of work. Each rhythm catalyses a different aspect of ourselves. Whilst simple, this practice is deeply healing.
Anyone can dance the Rhythms, no matter what age, shape, size, limitations or experience. The only requirement is a desire to dance.
For more details and booking please contact Aviya-aviyareches@gmail.com
Come and dance your life!
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